Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2011

Do You Know What Successful Women have in Common?

All successful women will have many things in common, unfortunately most of us do not know how to recognize those traits. Indeed the qualities we focus upon are often the opposite of those that lead to success.

The main ingredient in the formula for success is tenacity this simply means that the successful do not give up. Nine out of ten successful people have one thing in common they do not give up. They keep going in the face of adversity, failure, set backs and even tenacity. Many people who are that intelligent, creative, capable or skillful succeed because they simply keep going.

There are many highly intelligent, imaginative, creative, ambitious, highly skilled women stuck in dead end jobs because they simply gave up. What successful women have in common is this they know that there will be adversity so they keep going.

The second feature of what successful women have in common is that they are imaginative. They think outside the box, they do not accept the status quo or the conventional wisdom. They look for new answers, new ideas and new ideas and solutions even when moving in such a course of direction invites ridicule and opposition. These are the people who adopt the new technologies, apply the new methods and move into the new fields. They succeed because they see what others do not.

The most important trait that successful women share is that they believe they are successful or can be successful. Most failures have one thing in common: they believe they are failures. They believe they are doomed to poverty, mediocrity, and failure. They listen when everybody around them tells them that that they are doomed to fail and then wonder why they failed.

This leads us to another thing that successful women have in common they spend time with other successful women. They give themselves role models and friends that can teach them that success is possible and doable. Failures surround themselves with failure, successful people surround themselves with success.

That is why organizations like the National Association of Professional Women or NAPW are so important. They are full of successful women who can show you what successful women have in common.

Photo credits: Jorgosphotos

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